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Digital Drug Cards PDF

Digital Drug Cards PDF

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Regular price $45 USD
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Download these flashcards instantly right from the order confirmation page. This PDF does not include all cards from the physical set, it ONLY includes 20 drug cards.


Drug Cards Only

This PDF download only includes 20 of the 72 medications that are part of the physical Paramedic Pharmacology Cards.

This PDF does not include any other pharmacology chapter topics.



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All Of Your Meds At The Palm Of Your Hand!

Say goodbye to the days of spending countless hours scouring the web for medication details! Paramedic Flash® offers a comprehensive list of 72 total meds ranging from EMT to CCT levels, empowering you to study your medications anytime, anywhere.

A Visual Learning Style For Clear Comprehension!

Comprehension is not memorization, but rather the ability to fully understand and grasp the meaning of a piece of information. Once I accepted that, I realized that one of the best ways to illustrate and interpret medical information was by using a visual learning approach. Utilizing color coded text and matching imagery has allowed me to easily break down EMS information, which may seem daunting to many!

Join The Revolution.. It’s Your Turn!

Empowerment begins with knowledge, and in this fast-paced world of EMS, every second counts and every decision matters. By using Paramedic Flash®, you’re not only equipping yourself with right information; but you’re seizing the power of knowledge. This isn’t about passing exams or impressing peers, it's about ensuring that every patient you touch receives the pinnacle of care!

Do you want to be a good medic, or a Great one?

The choice is yours...